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Treekly x Veritree: Using technology to protect and restore forests
Treekly is proud to work with Veritree, an organisation dedicated to reforesting the planet according to rigorous verification methods....
How E.ON and Nottingham Forest FC Planted over 37,000 Trees With their Community
Throughout October, E.ON and Nottingham Forest FC partnered with Treekly to give people a tree every time they hit a daily 5000 step...
Plant a Tree Every Day with E.ON
We’ve partnered with E.ON and Nottingham Forest FC to help turn footsteps into forests. Throughout the month of October, you can plant a...
How companies can celebrate Earth Month in April 2023
Earth Month acts as an opportunity to educate employees and customers about environmental issues and promote a culture of sustainability.
Planting Mangrove Trees: 5 Earth-Friendly Benefits
What is special about Mangrove Trees? Mangrove trees are trees that grow in coastal salt-water zones located in the tropics and...
The Anthropocene: The Age of the Human?
Now more than ever we must consider the environmental impact of our actions. Everything from the clothes we buy to the food we eat...
5 Surprising Benefits of a Daily Walk
It’s fair to say that most of us know that walking is good for us. It helps improve stamina, burn calories, and can reduce stress. But...
The Importance of Forests
March 21st marks the International Day of Forests. First declared in 2012, the day celebrates and raises awareness of the importance of...
Five Causes of Deforestation
Deforestation is a major cause of concern and is happening at an alarming rate. To put it in perspective, there are only around half the...
Treekly Blog
The latest news from the Treekly community.
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